Review Office Security and Permissions CALLING ALL OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS!!
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Start the session off right—review the security settings in the legislative applications that your office will use during 86(R). Below are some examples of what to review in three popular applications: Legislative Draft Request (LDR) In order to remove security access to your office’s LDR information, administrators can delete a staff member from the Staff Name (user ID) list. You can find the Staff list located on the Security tab. Simply click on the staff member’s name in the list and click Remove . Legislative Management System (LMS) If you are an LMS Administrator or have the Change Office Security right, you can assign and update security rights for LMS users in your office. You can access Office Security from the Tools menu in the Main Navigation window. The Office Security window displays the names of LMS users in your office along with their levels of access. All LMS security can be managed from this window, including removal of users. Correspondence Management System (CMS) In CMS, staff members with administrator privileges can use the Office Security window to designate levels of access for other staff members. The Office Security window is located in the File menu. You can also remove users from CMS in this window. CMS QUICK TIP! To quickly identify casework and correspondence linked to a staff member who has been removed from the Office Security window, run a search for pending correspondence/casework using the
Do you have new staff members? Do you need to refresh your knowledge of LDR, LMS, CMS, or TLIS? Sign up for classes today!
Office Hours ! Trainers from Media & Education will begin holding Office Hours in February. Feel free to drop in and ask any questions you have about the legislative applications. View the class schedule fortimesandlocation. Get Online Training Visit the TLC Online Training Center to view training videos about legislative applications and other IT topics at your convenience.
PHONE: 512-463-1158 EMAIL: ITSC Contact Information Session Hours of Operation Information you may be asked for when you contact support personnel (i.e., your computer name, user ID, and IP address) can be found in the TLC Support Information window by pressing Ctrl+Alt+ I on your office PC. Session hours begin during the first week of January. Hours will be Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. If either the house or senate is still in session after 6 p.m., the IT Support Center will remain open until adjournment. After Hours Support PHONE: 512-463-1158 and Press 1 Calls received during nonbusiness hours are answered by the TLC Computer Control room and assigned to on-call support personnel. Office Consultants Office consultants provide consultation and support for hardware and software computer needs in members’ legislative offices. Your assigned office consultant displays on CSCweb . Learn more on CSCweb’s Support page . The IT Support Center is the first line of support when you have a question or concern regarding either computer hardware or software.
View the course catalog or go straight to the current Class Calendar to register. You can register for a class online, by email, or by phone.
• Register online by double-clicking the class name on the calendar. • Send an email to Classes that includes the class name, date, and time. • Call the scheduling line at 512-475-1111 and leave your name and office and the class name, date, and time.
Due to the increased need for legislative classes in January, Office 2016 classes (including Word, Outlook, and Excel) will not be offered until February.
Check Out Micro Lessons:
The New Video Resource to Help You Answer IT Questions
T o use Micro Lessons , the newest education resource on CSCWeb, browse by application or search by keyword to discover short lessons on skills and applications commonly used in the legislative environment.
Find video demonstrations and step-by-step instructions on timely topics, such as: CapCentral - Searching Bills Using Bill Lookup or LMS - Copy a Bill Track to the Current Legislature .
Do you have IT questions, need desktop support, or want to learn how to use an application? CSCweb Connects You to IT Support and Education Resources Visit CSCweb , the Computer Support Center website, and discover the computer support, education, and equipment resources and services available to you. * Contact your office consultant or the IT Support Center . * Learn about council-developed applications and other software in the classroom or online . * Read about the legislative applications created specifically for staff of the Texas Legislature. * View short, step-by-step micro lessons on commonly used legislative applications. * Browse our FAQs .
CSC 86(R) Newsletter
CSC 86(R) Newsletter
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